"Готика 3" - Патч 1.09
"Пираньи" сдержали своё слово и третий патч уже полностью готов. Говоря по существу, он исправляет только баг с вылетом игры при сохранении (ошибка связанная с памятью). В основном это случалось при длительной игре. Также он содержит все изменения патчей 1.07 и 1.08, то есть если у вас непропатченная версия игры, можете смело качать только 1.09.
Для тех, кто собирается покупать лицензионную русскую версию игры от Russobit-M и GFI, которая появится на прилавках магазинов после 17 ноября - качать патчи не нужно. По словам Максима Сухова, игра уже будет включать в себя все три патча, то есть релизная версия - 1.09.
Прочитать полный список изменений 1.07 | 1.08 | 1.09"]
Gothic III v1.09 Patch notes
To avoid using the patches (same for 1.07) as an exploit:
- unequip all items
- save game
- apply patch
- load game
Otherwise equipment bonuses will be counted doubly after
Build 1.09
- fixes an issue where trying to save a game would
crash/hang the program with a memory related errormessage
Build 1.08
- Several crash bugs fixed
- Performance increased
- Combat AI for several monsters improved/simplified (e.g. boar)
- Lots of AI Fixes ( Murderer Reaction from party member fixed, AI comments improved)
- Sleeping NPC's AI reactions improved
- Camera Control: Inverting the X-axis is now saved
- Lensflare/Sun doesn't shine through mountains and buildings anymore
- Rhobar and Zuben are dead after defeating them
- Revolution mechanics improved
- Lester does now talk even when not sitting at the campfire
- Epilogue fixed
- "No mission success after 2 times "not enough gold" fixed
Build 1.07
- Glowing vegetation bug in older shader versions has been fixed
- Several crashes and bugs related to the physics system have been fixed
- Flickering objects and invisible particle systems bugs (mostly fire) were fixed
- Some bugs were fixed which lead to the hero being invisible after loading
- Some bugs were fixed which lead to skeletons and golems disapperaing after death
- Z-Fighting bugs and alpha object order bugs were fixed, especially magic barrier vs. sky plane
- Several bugs with rendering objects under water were fixed
- An illumination crash bug on multicore systems was fixed
- Several bugs and optimizations relating the the dynamic music system were done
- A bug was fixed that lead to the damage value for modified weapons being not be displayed correctly
- The mouse cursor sometimes appeared at wrong positions. This was fixed.
- We fixed a bug where, after loading a save game, unique treasure chests would hand out the first item in the list again
- A bug in the soul travel spell was fixed (hero did not recognize that he has transformed back, resulting in an invincible state)
- The height of wade- and swim effects was adjusted
- A bug was fixed that calculated the fall damage (sometimes too low)
- Fixed a bug where skills granted by items would not be shown as enabled
- Fixed a bug where when running in fullscreen and using draw scale the GUI's mouse sensitivity would be reduced
- A crash was fixed that sometimes happened after casting the fire rain spell
- Several bugs related to the Pause mode and Quickload/Quicksave were fixed
- Several optimizations related to arrows were done
- Bugs related to following NPCs were fixed
- A bugs was fixed that reversed the order of tabs in the mission screen
Build 1.09
Build 1.08
- Vak and Gonzales are now still there after a revolution
- There are now more weapons at traders and in chests
- Annoying NPCs from Faring arena removed
- Story and Missions in Al shedim improved. (Lester,Saturas,Wutras,etc...)
- Snorre's ancestor stone fixed
- All problems of Hogar and the southern Orcs fixed
- Ronar Trading fixed
- Less monsters/Orcs in Nordmar
- Vibald is now carrying explosive arrows
- Bogir dialog fixed
- Osmund dialog fixed
Build 1.07
- Navigation problems in temples and Ishtar fixed
- Phil in Kap Dun now fights in Revolutions
- Fixed the Montera slaves that walked around the well and through the fire
- Turned around a chest near Vengard
- Fixed a problem with Daryl's Orcs
- Fixed Scavenger problem near Porgan
- Kamak doesn't care about the monsters anymore
- Fixed Peer's daily routine
- Remove wolf skin in Gamal's tent
- Fixed flying Orc in Vengard
- Arena Fighters in Silden have now collission
- NPCs now react to drawing the weapon in Silden
- Turned around a chest in Silden
- Destination point for Vengard stone moved
- Removed some healing plants in Myrtana
- Several plants with permanent effect werde added
- Seruk now stays in town after Revolution
- Removed some heavy smalltalk groups
- Kor Shach's navigation was adjusted
- Tippler's hut is now furnitured
- Flying objects after changing sectors were fixed
- Lukjan Overtime quest was fixed
- Sanford's letter mechanic was improved
- Tyler now goes to Trelis
- Cyrus now leaves the party mode
- Avogadro now goes to the farm after the quest succeeding
- Kelvin now goes to the temple
- Osko now goes to the farm
- Some dialog fixes with Flint in Faring were done
- The healing potion quest from Pranck is now solvable
- Spike was fixed
- Experience points in Kap Dun were adjusted
- Nemrok quest and reputation fixed
- Mojok dialog mechanic adjusted
- Bored guard dialog fixed
- Folleck dialog fixed
- Ali dialog fixed
- Gunock talks about Grok dialog mechanic fixed
- Sulfock dialog mechanic fixed
- Lares dialog fixed
- Sulfur was added to traders' treasuresets
- Antidote was added to traders' treasuresets
- Yepas has now the correct political alignment
- It's now easier to hit alligators
- It's now easier to hit the straw wolves near Montera
- Seruk's guild adjusted
- Traders have now more water
- Kamak's guild adjusted
- Map coordinates fixed
- Several recipes fixed
- Wenzel doesn't attack the orcs problem fixed
- Nasib's enclave fixed
- Staff and robe traders adjusted
- Stone tablets distribution improved
- Beds and chests at Nomad camps added
- Yasmin's und Alima's daily routine adjusted
- Navigation problems in Mora Sul fixed
- Hamid's daily routine adjusted
- Masil's daily routine adjusted
- Navigation zones in Al Shedim fixed
- Monster distribution in Al Shedim adjusted
- Quest mechanics in Al Shedim improved
- Dialog with Lester in desert fixed
- Fasim now invites you to the arena
- Reputation mechanic in Mora Sul improved
- Lukor dialog fixed
- Angar's guild changed, Party member added
- Several fixes in Ornarok's quest.
- Dialog problem with Yasmin fixed
- Ilja's amulet is now unique
- You can't buy a flame sword now
- Raw meat bugs were moved to the right inventory category
- You can buy more maps at traders
- Lukor quest fixed
- Ali's key fixed
Build 1.09
Build 1.08
- Crossbow handling improved
Build 1.07
- A sort order for skills was implemented
- Strings can now have UTF-16 format
- Character now won't slide if the ground entity has a volume < 3m3
- The HUD now automatically selects the smallest map that contains the player's position upon opening the map list
- A sort order for spells was implemented
- The sort order for consumables, artefacts and documents was improved
- Several Balancing values have been adjusted
- Summoned party members now defend the player
Размер патча: 60 mb.
Зеркала для скачки:
* Update.Gothic3.com
- ftp://gd1.regioconnect.net/gothic3/Gothic3_patch109.exe
- ftp://gd2.regioconnect.net/gothic3/Gothic3_patch109.exe
- ftp://gd3.regioconnect.net/gothic3/Gothic3_patch109.exe
- ftp://gd4.regioconnect.net/gothic3/Gothic3_patch109.exe
* Piranha-Bytes.com (http)
* Piranha-Bytes.com (ftp)
* WorldOfGothic.de
* TheCrazyHunters.de
* WorthDownloading.com
* GamersHell.com
* Files.FileFront.com
* GameCaptain.de
* 4players.de
- ftp://gd1.regioconnect.net/gothic3/Gothic3_patch109.exe
- ftp://gd2.regioconnect.net/gothic3/Gothic3_patch109.exe
- ftp://gd3.regioconnect.net/gothic3/Gothic3_patch109.exe
- ftp://gd4.regioconnect.net/gothic3/Gothic3_patch109.exe
* Piranha-Bytes.com (http)
* Piranha-Bytes.com (ftp)
* WorldOfGothic.de
* TheCrazyHunters.de
* WorthDownloading.com
* GamersHell.com
* Files.FileFront.com
* GameCaptain.de
* 4players.de
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