Посмотреть вложение 1829
Номер перед названием и есть ID
1 - simple Pistol
2 - Assault Rifle
3 - Rocket Launcher
4 - Siple Bulled
5 - Bow
6 - Grenade
7 - Wood
8 - Stone
9 - Metal
10 - Hide
11 - Chitin
12 - Raw Meat
13 - Spoiled Meat
14 - Cooked Meat
15 - Water Jar
16 - Water Jar (полная)
17 - Cloth Pants
18 - Cloth Shirt
19 - Cloth Hat
20 - Cloth Boots
21 - Cloth Gloves
22 - Hide Panth
23 - Hide Shirt
24 - Hide Hat
25 - Hide Boots
26 - Hide Gloves
27 - Chitin Leggings
28 - Chitin Chestpiece
29 - Chitin Helmet
30 - Chitin Boots
31 - Chitin Gauntlets
32 - Stone Arrow
33 - Stone Pick
34 - Stone Hatchet
35 - Metal Pick
36 - Metal Hatchet
37 - Torch
38 - Paintbrush
39 - Campfire
40 - Standing Torch
41 - Hide Sleeping Bag
42 - C4 Remote Detonator
43 - C4 Charge
44 - Blood Extraction Syringe
45 - Blood Pack
46 - Improvised Explosive Device
47 - Waterskin
48 - Waterskin (полная)
49 - Berrybush Seeds
50 - Fertilizer
51 - Bingleberry Soup
52 - Medical Brew
53 - Energy Brew
54 - Small Animal Feces
55 - Human Feces
56 - Stego Egg
57 - Spear
58 - Red Coloring
59 - Green Coloring
60 - Blue Coloring
61 - Yellow Coloring
62 - Purple Coloring
63 - Orange Coloring
64 - Black Coloring
65 - White Coloring
66 - Brown Coloring
67 - Cyan Coloring
68 - Purple Coloring (повтор)
69 - Rex Saddle
70 - Tranq Arrow
71 - None (Ничего не добавляет)
72 - GPS
73 - Flint
74 - Metal Ingot
75 - Thatch
76 - Fiber
77 - Charcoal
78 - Crystal
79 - Thatch Roof
80 - Thatch Door
81 - Thatch Foundation
82 - Thatch Wall
83 - Thatch Doorframe
84 - Wooden Catwalk
85 - Wooden Ceiling
86 - Wooden Hatchframe
87 - Wooden Door
88 - Wooden Foundation
89 - Wooden Ladder
90 - Wooden Pillar
91 - Wooden Ramp
92 - Wooden Trapdoor
93 - Wooden Wall
94 - Wooden Doorframe
95 - Wooden Windowframe
96 - Wooden Window
97 - Wooden Sign
98 - Note
99 - Citronal (Лимон)
100 - Parasaur Saddle
101 - Raptor Saddle
102 - Stego Saddle
103 - Trike Saddle
104 - Pulmonoscorpius Saddle
105 - Storage Box
106 - Large Storage Box
107 - Mortar and Pestle
108 - Sparkpowder
109 - Gunpowder
110 - Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intake
111 - Stone Irrigation Pipe - Straight
112 - Stone Irrigation Pipe - Inclined
113 - Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intersection
114 - Stone Irrigation Pipe - Vertical
115 - Stone Irrigation Pipe - Tap
116 - Amarberry Seed
117 - Amarberry
118 - Azulberry
119 - Tintoberry
120 - Mejoberry
121 - Narcoberry
122 - Stimberry
123 - Narcotic
124 - Stimulant
125 - Refining Forge
126 - Smithy
127 - Compost Bin
128 - Cooking Pod
129 - Simple Bed
130 - Small Crop Plot
131 - Pteranodon Saddle
132 - Longneck Rifle
133 - Sitronal Seed
134 - Specimen Inplant (Пустой инплант, не выкидывается)
135 - Bronto Saddle
136 - Wooden Fence Fondation
137 - Compass
138 - Scope Attachment
139 - Slingshot
140 - Pike
141 - Radio
142 - Obsidian
143 - Dinosaur Gateway
144 - Simple Rifle Ammo
145 - Summon Bloodmother
146 - Cementing Paste
147 - Dinosaur Gate
148 - Artifact of the Hunter
149 - Artifact of the Pack
150 - Artifact of the Massive
151 - Artifact of the Devious
152 - Artifact of the Clever
153 - Artifact of the Skylord
154 - Artifact of the Devourer
155 - Artifact of the Queen
156 - Artifact of the Strong
157 - Artifact of the Framekeeper
158 - Argentavis Talon
159 - Megalodon Tooth
160 - Tyrannosaurus Arm
161 - Sauropod Vertebra
162 - Oil
163 - Silica Pearis
164 - Gasoline
165 - Electronics
166 - Polymer
167 - Metal Catwalk
168 - Metal Ceiling
169 - Metal Hatchframe
170 - Metal Door
171 - Metal Fence Foundation
172 - Metal Foundation
173 - Behemoth Gate
174 - Behemoth Gateway
175 - Metal Ladder
176 - Metal Pillar
177 - Metal Ramp
178 - Metal Trapdoor
179 - Metal Wall
180 - Metal Doorframe
181 - Metal Windowframe
182 - Metal Window
183 - Super Test Meat
184 - Flare Gun
185 - Fabricator
186 - Water Resevoir
187 - Parachute
188 - Air Conditioner
189 - Electrical Generator
190 - Electrical Outlet
191 - Inclined Electrical Cable
192 - Electrical Cable Intersection
193 - Straight Electrical Cable
194 - Vertical Electrical Cable
195 - Lamppost
196 - Refrigerator
197 - Auto Turret
198 - Remote Keypad
199 - Metal Irrigation Pipe - Inclined
200 - Metal Irrigation Pipe - Intake
201 - Metal Irrigation Pipe - Intersection
202 - Metal Irrigation Pipe - Straight
203 - Metal Irrigation Pipe - Tap
204 - Metal Irrigation Pipe - Vertical
205 - Flashlight Attachment
206 - Silencer Attachment
207 - Carbonemys Saddle
208 - Sarco Saddle
209 - Ankylo Saddle
210 - Mammoth Saddle
211 - Megalodon Saddle
212 - Sabertooth Saddle
213 - Carno Saddle
214 - Argentavis Saddle
215 - None (Ничего не добавляет)
216 - Chitin/Keratin
217 - Keratin
218 - Metal Sign
219 - Holo-Scope Attachment
220 - Laser Attachment
221 - Wooden Billboard
222 - Flak Leggings
223 - Flak Chestpiece
224 - Flak Helmet
225 - Flak Boots
226 - Flak Gauntlets
227 - Enduro Stew
228 - Lazarus Chowder
229 - Calien Soup
230 - Fria Curry
231 - Focal Chili
232 - Savoroot (Картофель)
233 - Longrass (Кукуруза)
234 - Rockarrot (Морковка)
235 - Azulberry Seed
236 - Tintoberry Seed
237 - Mejoberry Seed
238 - Narcoberry Seed
239 - Stimberry Seed
240 - Savoroot Seed
241 - Longrass Seed
242 - Rockarrot Seed
243 - Metal Billboard
244 - Fabricated Pistol
245 - Advanced Bullet
246 - Advanced Rifle Bullet
247 - Rocket Propelled Grenade
248 - Medium Crop Plot
249 - Large Crop Plot
250 - Rare Flower
251 - Rare Mushroom
252 - Raw Prime Meat
253 - Cooked Prime Meat
254 - Battle Tartare
255 - Shadow Steak Saute
256 - Rockwell Recipes: Enduro Stew
257 - Rockwell Recipes: Lazarus Chowder
258 - Rockwell Recipes: Calien Soup
259 - Rockwell Recipes: Fria Curry
260 - Rockwell Recipes: Focal Chili
261 - Rockwell Recipes: Battle Tartare
262 - Rockwell Recipes: Shadow Steak Saute
263 - Notes on Rockwell Recipes
264 - Wooden Wall Sign
265 - Metal Dinosaur Gateway
266 - Metal Dinosaur Gate
267 - Shotgun
268 - Simple Shotgun Ammo
269 - Metal Wall Sign
270 - Amarberry Seed
271 - Azulberry Seed
272 - Tintoberry Seed
273 - Narcoberry Seed
274 - Stimberry Seed
275 - Mejoberry Seed
276 - Citronal Seed
277 - Savoroot Seed
278 - Longrass Seed
279 - Rockarrot Seed
280 - Multi-Panel Flag
281 - Hunter Hat Skin
282 - Rex Stomped Glasses Saddle Skin Skin
283 - Spyglass
284 - Spider Flag
285 - Phiomia Saddle
286 - Medium Animal Feces
287 - Large Animal Feces
288 - Bronto Egg
289 - Parasaur Egg
290 - Raptor Egg
291 - Rex Egg
292 - Trike Egg
293 - Parasaur ARK Founder Saddle Skin
294 - Dodo Egg
295 - Preserving Bin
296 - Metal Spike Wall
297 - Cooked Meat Jerky
298 - Prime Meat Jerky
299 - Rex Bone Helmet Skin
300 - Nerdry Glasses Skin
301 - Rockwell Recipes: Medical Brew
302 - Rockwell Recipes: Energy Brew
303 - Spino Saddle
304 - Rockwell Recipes: Meat Jerky
305 - Heavy Miner's Helmet
306 - Vault
307 - Wooden Spike Wall
308 - Dino Glasses Skin
309 - Bookshelf
310 - Stone Fence Foundation
311 - Stone Wall
312 - Metal Water Resevoir
313 - Plesiosaur Saddle
314 - Ichthyosaur Saddle
315 - Stone Ceiling
316 - Stone Hatchframe
317 - Reinforced Wooden Door
318 - Stone Foundation
319 - Reinforced Dinosaur Gate
320 - Stone Dinosaur Gateway
321 - Stone Pillar
322 - Stone Doorframe
323 - Stone Windowframe
324 - Fireworks Flaregun Skin
325 - Tripwire Narcotic Trap
326 - Tripwire Alarm Trap
327 - Kibble (Ankylo Egg)
328 - Kibble (Argentavis Egg)
329 - Kibble (Titanboa Egg)
330 - Kibble (Carno Egg)
331 - Kibble (Dilo Egg)
332 - Kibble (Dodo Egg)
333 - Kibble (Parasaur Egg)
334 - Kibble (Pteranodon Egg)
335 - Kibble (Raptor Egg)
336 - Kibble (Rex Egg)
337 - Kibble (Sarco Egg)
338 - Kibble (Bronto Egg)
339 - Kibble (Pulminoscorpius Egg)
340 - Kibble (Araneo Egg)
341 - Kibble (Spino Egg)
342 - Kibble (Stego Egg)
343 - Kibble (Trike Egg)
344 - Kibble (Carbonemys Egg)
345 - Ankylo Egg
346 - Argentavis Egg
347 - Titanboa Egg
348 - Carno Egg
349 - Dilo Egg
350 - Pteranodon Egg